©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2011

The Editors Letter

Well; the end of the year and, traditionally a time of reflection and remembrance. On a personal note, I‘ve lost some good friends during the last twelve months and think of them, particularly, as the nights shorten and nature seems to (temporarily) shut down.

The ‘remembrance’ reference prompts me to relate some comments from several villagers concerning this year’s Remembrance Service at the war memorial on Sunday 13th. Apparently there was a constant flow of traffic passing the triangle up until the Eleventh Hour. Traditionally the centre of the village has been closed to vehicles for a while before, and some minutes after, the vigil. Why not this year? One person particularly remarked on the fact that traffic was only halted at 11.00 am, and then only for the two minutes silence which was desecrated by at least one (Peugeot diesel) driver who kept their engine running throughout the period. I say, for shame!!
I don’t know which body/authority would be responsible for the road closure. Is it the Parish Council, Borough or Police we should be turning to for an explanation? If any of the members of the relevant organization reads this perhaps they could mail/e-mail me with an answer which we can publish in our February (2012) edition.

This sort-of prompts me to another thought. How about if we include a letters page in forthcoming editions of ‘The News’?
Obviously space is limited (and inclusion would have to be at the Editor’s discretion[!]) but if any of you out there have a gripe, a query or, even better, some good news to impart, how about writing in?
We can have a regular “Letters to the Editor” page and possibly answer any questions in the next month’s publication. Let’s keep the interaction going, eh?

Do you know of a young person who just does an elderly neighbours shopping regularly? Someone who’s looked after your cat or garden while you’ve been away? Just the simple sort of things that people put themselves out for that make others lives more comfortable, without any thought of reward or recompense. The real ‘Heroes’ of Kirton. We might even be able to instigate an annual award.

Next year will bring some more interesting features for your delight and delectation. We’ve got more photographic memories of the village and, hopefully, a regular short story contribution. But we always want more.

I’d love to make, what I like to think of as simply “The News”, what you want it to be. We need more involvement from the youth of Kirton (Scouts, Cubs, Kid’s Club, etc. please take note) to make it something that everyone looks forward to when it arrives on their door step. I want it to be a living news organ for the people of Kirton to enjoy.
Rant over for this month! (by the way, I never did hear back from my mystery caller)

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee at Kirton News who have provided the support needed to keep the publication going - and growing - over the past twelve months. And, to our advertisers who make this thing possible; keep the faith and don’t forget to book your slot for next year as soon as.... You know where to book in but remember, ad slots are of finite numbers and it’s first-come, first served. Can we also thank our small and dedicated army of distributors, as without them, the magazine wouldn't happen!

Greetings of the Season to all and let’s hope for a more prosperous New Year. Keep safe and stay happy until I get the chance to ‘speak’ to you again in February 2012.

Sam Chapman

Donna Nook

My wife and I lived in Pembrokeshire for five years and recently I was talking to a friend about a large Atlantic Grey Seal colony at the cliffs at Strumble Head in that county. He mentioned that there was a large breeding colony at Donna Nook north of Mablethorpe.
Accordingly my wife and I visited Donna Nook at the end of October this year and what a marvelous day out it was.

The weather was mild and it took about an hour and quarter to drive there via Alford, the outskirts of Mablethorpe and North Somercotes .

There was free parking and although we took sandwiches and a flask there was a small snack bar serving hot food and drinks.

A fifteen minute walk brings you ‘up close and personal’ to the seals. Its great to be near wild animals that are not in a zoo; simply in their own habitat; bull seals and females with pups seemingly lounging around tidal mud flats just beyond a three foot picket fence.
I can recommend the visiting late October/early November but don’t forget your binoculars and cameras.

Roger Booth



101 - The new Police Non-emergency number, why it’s a good thing all round…

The introduction of the new national 101 number for people to use to contact the police for anything other than an emergency call has caused some enquires for registered members to clarify details regarding the new number.

Firstly the number 101 is a lot easier to remember than all the different numbers for different police forces and you can dial the same number anywhere in the country and it will put you through to your nearest police force.

Research had suggested that more than half the people asked whether they knew their local police non-emergency number could not remember it so this has to be a better service for people. Do not worry the other numbers will work too for some time yet but you might be missing saving some money.

The fixed price of 15p for any length of 101 call means that for the vast majority of people this will be cheaper than calls to the old numbers. Some people were paying more than 15p per minute before, so in these hard times that has to be a good thing!

It is worth mentioning as well that the police do not receive any income or money from call charging but this great single national call rate was negotiated with the Home Office, the police and the telephone companies.

So please use the new 101 non-emergency number, it’s easier to remember, it works anywhere in the country, it’s cheaper for you and it will help us keep the 999 (free call) lines for emergencies.

Gill Finn - Police & NHWN, Community Safety Officer.


Reflections from the Methodist Minister

Greetings, this is such a wonderful time of year; a time to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, a time to enjoy family and friends. However, it is also a time for some when we remember loved ones, when the joy of others makes our own sadness seem so much harder to bear, a time when the feasting, warm homes and overindulgence with gifts comes in stark contrast to those who are hungry, homeless or struggling on low incomes.

When Jesus walked this earth he found persecution, injustice and poverty…..nothing much has changed! He faced it head on and challenged the authorities, which was quite an achievement for a baby born into a carpenter’s family. That might be worth thinking about when we feel helpless in the current economic climate or wonder how we can possibly change the homelessness and famine in far off lands. When we listen to God the things of this life can be changed in his strength – when you feel helpless remember that Jesus has been here before and showed, by his example, that his disciples could continue the work he had begun. That lesson is still there for us to use as we face the challenges in life.

The past is so important for us to deal with the future and the New Year will bring new hopes and expectations, hopes for healing, of repaired relationships, of equality and justice and so much more. Each year I bring out a box of tree decorations which hold memories of my children growing, some which were gifts remind me of friends and times gone by; quite appropriate as we approach the turn of the year and we are more aware of the years passing us by. As the corks pop and the fireworks explode we will put the old year behind us and look forward once more. God moves forward with us and will continue to bless us as we walk with Him building on our experience and memories.

Every blessings and a very Happy Christmas and New Year!


p.s.Just a note following the vicar’s letter in the last issue which was unintentionally misleading regarding worship and weddings.

There IS regular worship at the Methodist Church (on London Road) on a Sunday at 10.30 am with a Junior Church and other activities through the week (info in this magazine and on our noticeboard).

Also we are licensed for Marriages as well as Baptisms and Funerals (phone Rev Irena Byron: 01205 362988)! There is also regular worship at the New Life Fellowship (by the A16 roundabout).


What Granny used to say

The good old Lemon has many uses
apart from swimming around in my gin and tonic!

For juicier lemons: dunk in hot water (or now a few seconds in the microwave) then rub back and forth on the work surface before cutting makes the lemon give far more juice.

If your hands smell after preparing strong flavoured foods: rub well with a piece of lemon rind. It will remove the nasty smell and leave your hands fresh and tangy.

Does your dog chew your cushions or soft furnishings? Spray with a little lemon juice. Dogs do not like citrus.

How about - Grandma’s old fashioned cough remedy?

To treat a persistent, nagging night-times cough- bring to the boil two cups of water and add two sliced lemons, 1/2 teaspoon of either mint or dried ginger, and 2 tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of sugar. After mixing these ingredients and having brought them to the boil, they would soon turn into a thick syrup. Once this has occurred you can add a few drops of your favourite liqueur or brandy (of course for children miss out these).
A couple of spoonfuls of this warming syrup would can cure a cough and help you sleep with a smile on your face!

Gladys Seabrook - A Local Treasure

Gladys has been a regular and entertaining contributor [through her poetry] to the magazine for many years. I recently received an envelope with copies of several of her (I think) brilliantly contrived poetic comments and reminiscences.
With it was a short note - which I found quite moving. And I quote, verbatim:-
"Just a few more poems by Gladys... if you think they're worth putting in one now and again. It's up to you Sam. Gladys is 86 now so there won't be many more.
It's a shame she never got to making a book. But like paintings you are not famous till you've peg'd out." And it was signed.. "Her friend."

It's brilliant - it's poignant; and it 'did it' for me. I agree with Gladys' friend - it is a shame. She should be recognized as a local treasure! How's about getting Gladys in print?
Is any body out there - a local business or budding philanthropist who is prepared to put up a few 'bob' to get Gladys' poems published?
I see it as a suitable project for the Village to mark next year's Golden Jubilee.

We can do the production stuff here at Kirton News Towers. All we need is help (dosh) to fund the print costs. Please, if anybody out there fancies taking this further, get in touch with me, you know by now where to find me.

Sam Chapman


Kirton Kids Club

Not sure how long I will be able to say this in my report but --- what wonderful weather we’ve had again!

The children at the club have enjoyed lots more outside activities than normal for this time of year, which has been really nice.
They have all sprouted ‘green fingers’ this term and grown fruit and vegetables that they have been able to take home or eat at the club.
‘From small acorns grow’ – who know maybe we will encourage the next Alan Titchmarsh!

The spring should see the children getting into planting and growing seeds again.
With lots more to take home and show off their ‘skills’.
The great weather has given us several bonuses this term – more time outside and more ‘fun with nature’.

The dry leaves have proved a real fun feature of the weather and the children have been able to do the things that children have done for years and years – play with leaves, build with them, throw them and simply have fun.
With all the ‘high tech’ toys and media it is really good to see children having fun outside with something so natural as leaves.

The club gives children the chance to mix, socialise and have fun before and after school. For parents it gives them the chance to extend their working day knowing their children are safe, happy and well cared for at a price that they can afford and does not dent the budget.

It is not just working parents that use the club for their children though – some children come simply because they enjoy being with other children, making friends and having fun.

We cater for EYFS children (those up to the age of five) right up to fourteen years.
The large main hall and dining area are ideal for the younger children and the older ones have a ‘chill out’ room of their own – or they can join in activities with the younger ones.

There is masses of room for children to enjoy the activities or simply have their own ‘space’ and do their own thing if they wish. Older children are helped and encouraged to do homework if they want or they can chill in their own room with xbox, ps2s’ and a wii. This term the children have also enjoyed making their own pumpkin lanterns, Halloween cookies and lots of treats (no tricks though). And I do hate to say this but –it will soon be Christmas! The new term is one of the busiest and most fun of all even with the cold and dark nights.

Why not come and have a look around – or book your children in for a session before or after school – see what they can do and how much they could enjoy themselves – without breaking the bank.

We are Ofsted registered and a non profit making charity. We work along side the Primary and Secondary schools and the local business community of Kirton.
Pop in during working hours or phone 07583 762072 – good affordable childcare – where children come first.

Unclaimed raffle prize

We have an unclaimed raffle prize waiting to be collected. Ticket number 253 Peach coloured ticket with reference number: AX 765345 If you have this ticket please contact: Maureen on 01205 722893


Urgently requested: Treasurer
for Kirton News

Kirton news has lost a stalwart member of the team. Sushma Bragg has been our Treasurer for some time and performed splendidly; but, she has recently decided that, because of family commitments, she is unable to carry on the role, although she'll remain a valued member of the committee.

Anyone out there fancy taking it on? As with the rest of us at The News you'll be doing this for love and not reward. But you get a chance to work with me!
An accounting background would be good - but not essential.
If you fancy having a shot then contact me, Sam C. at the usual address and we'll talk some more. I know you're out there!

Yours, expectantly, Sam.


Autumn Fair

The autumn fair at Kirton church on 29th October went very well. With your help we raised £720. I would like to thank all who donated raffle prizes of which we had 50 !!
Thank you to all who helped on the day and of course thank you to the people who came through the door and supported us and helped the day to be a success.
Thank you everyone!


Kirton’s Christmas Fayre

The Christmas Fayre this year will be on the 2nd December (Friday). Starting at 17:00. There will be burgers, sausages, potatoes etc. available to purchase and Kirton brass band will be playing for the choir from the Junior School.
The lights on the tree will switched on at 17:30 by the youngest and oldest pupils of the School.

Father Christmas will be there on his sleigh. There will be plenty of stall holders and Kirton Fire Brigade will be there with one of the tenders.

There will also be a Carol Concert in the Town Hall on the 17th December.  This will be a joint project between the Methodists, CofE, and New Life Fellowship.  Entrance will free and will start at 18:30.


Methodist Church Events

A Christmas Concert

Kirton Band will be giving a Christmas Concert in The Methodist Church on London Road. The concert is on Saturday 10th December starting at 7:30pm.
Admission is £5, this includes refreshments. Tickets are available from Fossitt & Thorne, The Green or Jonathan Cooper tel: 725055.

Winnie The Pooh

On Saturday 17th December the family film club will be showing 'Winnie the Pooh' (U) on the big screen in the Hall at the Methodist Church on London Road. The doors open at 1:30 for a 2pm start. Admission is free. There will be a tuck shop
serving hot drinks, snacks and popcorn. 

Craft & Games Workshop

The Anglican and Methodist Churches are hosting a workshop for 4 to 11 year olds in the Hall at the Methodist Church on Friday 30th December from 10am to 2pm. This will be a fun time of crafts and games based on a story from the bible. For more details or to book a place contact Sheila 722701 or Jonathan 725055. 


Kirton Church Christmas Concert

We are having a Christmas Concert at Kirton Church on Sunday 11th December at usual time of 2.30. Entrance is £6 payable at the door and there is no charge for children. Nick and Anita of Country Contrast who hail from Lincoln will be singing a variety of Christmas songs and traditional carols.

There will be refreshments as usual. We will be having a few stalls as well - raffle - tombola - cake stall - home made cards and more..... we hope folks will come along and support us. We are trying to raise money towards the repairs to the church roof which are costing £60,000 !!! We have received a Heritage grant but we need to find the rest. Please come along and support your church in Kirton.
I can be contacted on: 01205 722893, Thank you.

Frampton W.I.

October was our 75th birthday.  The celebrations were held in Kirton Town Hall and our guests included Federation representatives, former members of Frampton and guests from several other Institutes. 

The speaker was Mr Colin Anderson, former head pastry chef to HM Queen at Buckingham Palace.  He entertained us with anecdotes and reminiscences from preparing banquets for visiting dignitaries and accompanying the royal party on state visits abroad in HMS Britannia.  Sue Ganley gave the vote of thanks. 

The supper was prepared by Frampton ladies and served by a retinue of helpers.  The birthday cake was made and decorated by Kathy Stanley.  Last, but by no means least, our thanks went out to the band of chaps in the kitchen - our stalwart ‘washers-up’.  The meeting closed with the singing of Jerusalem.  It was a very memorable and enjoyable evening.

Our speaker for November was Dorothy Brogden-Hunt who showed us unusual and artistic ways of present wrapping.  Four ladies helped her demonstrate and we all learned new skills which we will attempt to put into practice this Christmas.  Ann McCoy gave the vote of thanks.

Christmas Memories by Graham Rodwell

Christmas reminds us of so many things
Of shepherds and of eastern kings.
Of church bells ringing on a frosty night
And Christmas trees ablaze with lights.
Of excited children counting the days
And carol singing and nativity plays.
Everyone baking mince pies galore
As the cards drop daily through the door.
The hustle and bustle of last minute shopping
And Mum so busy she’s almost dropping.
Boys and girls listening for Santa’s sleigh
To tell them that gifts are on the way.
But the greatest gift of all
Was born, long ago, in a Bethlehem stall.


Catch me if you can by Gladys Seabrook

A harmless industrious spider am I
Who may, if lucky, enslave a small fly
And, as flies are a menace, I just cannot see
Why that housewife’s attention is focussed on me

My web I had strung in a corner so neat
I was waiting patiently for something to eat
When she came along with her bright yellow duster
And swiped it away with all strength she could muster.

I scuttled away with my heart beating fast
Praying that moment would not be my last
Then I hid in a panic down under the stairs
But she crept up behind, catching me unawares.

I ran once again as she picked up a brush
Then into the bathroom I went in a rush
Behind a cupboard where she stores her bleach
I hid in a corner where she could not reach.

I am carefully planning to have the last laugh
As she comes in at bedtime to have a hot bath
When she has undressed, I will the reappear
And will run round the bathroom without any fear.

As soon as she sees me, I know she will shout
But when in the bath it takes time to get out
So I’ll run everywhere and I’ll give her a fright
Then I’ll climb out of the window and bid her ‘Goodnight’.


Local Policing

We are pleased to report that both Halloween and Bonfire night passed without serious incident. Boston West Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team would like to thank the retail businesses in and around the Kirton area for their support and vigilance in restricting the purchases of eggs, flour and fireworks during this time.
Christmas is a busy time of the year for everyone, including the criminal. However, a high percentage of crime is opportunist in nature and so this Christmas we are seeking your assistance in preventing this type of crime.

Please read and digest the security tips below and do not let the criminal enjoy Christmas at your expense.

Your House

Ensure all doors and windows are secure. Keep all gifts out of view of anyone walking past. Never leave car keys and handbags downstairs at night- take them to bed with you.
If you are going away for the holiday, consider using automatic lights, ask neighbours to keep an eye out on your house, inform your Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator.
BEFORE OPENING YOUR DOOR TO STRANGERS, USE A DOOR CHAIN. If you are not happy, send callers away, if they are from a reputable company they will always call back.

Your Property

Mark your property with an Ultra Violet pen, with your postcode and house number. Pens will be given free of charge and can be collected from Kirton Police Station, during opening times.
Lock all bicycles and make a record of the serial number.
Do not carry large amounts of cash or leave it in your house, thieves know where to look!

Your Car

Keep presents out of sight, if they can be seen they can be stolen. Sat Nav’s and Laptops are high on the thieves shopping list, take them with you when you leave your vehicle.

Always lock your vehicle, close windows, engage steering lock and never leave your vehicle with the keys in the ignition. Park in well-lit locations or in an attended car park.

In the month of October, Neighbourhood Officers based at the Kirton Police Station arrested a male twice in three days carrying a large amount of what is thought to be lead from church roofs. We will let you know the outcome of these excellent arrests when they arrive.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Boston neighbourhood policing team, to wish every one of our residents a happy and crime free Christmas and New Year.

PCSO Jon Thornton

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Sophie Mc Quire
Faith Dovey
Skya Mae Sharpe
Oscar Carpmail
Emily Rose Robinson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

31/10/11 - Mrs Constance Irene Massam